芗剧与台湾歌仔戏一脉相承,同根同源。台湾歌仔戏传回大陆,发展成为福建省五大剧种之一的芗剧。为创建芗剧艺术,邰江海先生呕心沥血,立下了不可磨灭的历史功绩,人们尊他为芗剧的祖师爷。 在闽南,戏剧界都喜欢称邰江海先生为“江海仙”。这个“仙”字,有的人分析是闽南话“先生”的简缩;有的人则认为是他的艺术造诣已达到出神入化的程度,称他为“仙”——非凡人也,含有“戏仙”之雅意。
Su Shi drama and Taiwan’s Taiwanese opera the same strain, the same roots. Taiwanese opera come back to mainland China and develop into one of the five major operas in Fujian Province. In order to create the art of opera, Mr. Jiang Hai made painstaking efforts, established an indelible historical merit, people respect him as the ancestral martyrs opera. In southern Fujian, the theater industry likes to call Mr. Jiang Hai as “Jiang Haixian.” Some people think that his art attainment has reached a superb level, calling him a “fairy” - an extraordinary person who also contains “drama” Fairy "of the elegant.