美洲鳗仔鳗对兴棉宝等 9种常用药物的敏感性顺序为 :兴棉宝 >水胺硫磷 >孔雀绿 >敌敌畏 >硫酸铜 >高锰酸钾 >敌百虫 >乐果 >甲醛。根据 TLm2 4 和 TLm4 8计算了各种药物的使用安全浓度
The sensitivity of the American eel eel to 9 commonly used drugs such as Xingmianbao was as follows: Xingmianbao> cefotaxime> malachite green> dichlorvos> copper sulfate> potassium permanganate> trichlorfon> dimethoate> formaldehyde. The safe concentrations of various drugs were calculated based on TLm2 4 and TLm4 8