人发微量元素的分析广泛应用于环境科学。发铅测定是判断环境铅污染状况和人体铅蓄积情况的理想指标。为了了解高平县不同生活环境中正常成人发铅含量水平,探讨吸烟对发铅的影响,测定了112例城乡居民发铅值。结果如下: 一、样品采集与分析方法:选择高平县城、乡居住三年以上,身体健康,无铅接触史,年龄在18~60岁之间的男性居民为对象,采集理发时枕部末端发样,每份样品不少于2克。样品经预处理后取消化液金量,用双硫腙比色法测定发铅含量。
Human hair trace element analysis is widely used in environmental science. Hair lead determination is to determine the status of environmental lead pollution and lead accumulation of the ideal indicator of the situation. In order to understand the lead levels in normal adults in different living environments in Gaoping County and explore the influence of smoking on hair lead, the lead values of 112 urban and rural residents were determined. The results are as follows: First, the method of sample collection and analysis: To select male residents who lived in Gaoping County for more than three years, good health, lead-free exposure and aged between 18 and 60 years old, Sample, not less than 2 grams per sample. Samples were pre-treated to remove the amount of gold, with the determination of lead content by dithizone colorimetric method.