Novel technique for characterizing feature profiles in photolithography process

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhmlivefor52
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A novel angle-resolved scatterometer based on pupil optimization for feature profile measurement in a photolithography process is proposed. The impact of image sensor errors is minimized by optimizing the intensity distribution of the incident light using a spatial light modulator. The scatterometry sensitivity of feature measurement at different polarization conditions is calculated using the rigorous coupled-wave and first-order analyses, and the reproducibility of the scatterometer is evaluated. The results show that the sensitivity and reproducibility of the angle-resolved scatterometer increase by 90% and 40% with pupil optimization, respectively. A novel angle-resolved scatterometer based on pupil optimization for feature profile measurement in a photolithography process proposed. The impact of image sensor errors is minimized by optimizing the intensity distribution of the incident light using a spatial light modulator. The scatterometry sensitivity of feature measurement at different polarization conditions is calculated using the rigorous coupled-wave and first-order analyzes, and the reproducibility of the scatterometer is evaluated. The results show that the sensitivity and reproducibility of the angle-resolved scatterometer increase by 90% and 40% with pupil optimization, respectively.
1 病例报告患儿男,7个月,进行性头颅增大并吐奶4个月于1998年10月6日入院。查体:神志清,双眼底视乳头无水肿,头围52.8cm,头皮静脉充盈,前、后囱饱满、膨隆、颅缝分离,落日征及透光试验阳性,四肢活动良