成人都有一定的社会实践经验、想象力和分析能力,接受能力都很强.但大部份成人的学生时期都是在十年浩劫的年代里渡过的,所学习的知识很不扎实,至今所能掌握应用的知识更是寥寥无几,适应不了时代发展的需要.由于成人有着繁重的工作任务,不可能都脱离工作岗位去学习.那么如何就成人的特点,使目前的学习形成及其教学方法能够更科学、更灵活地适应于这些特点,给他们造就良好的学习环境和学习条件,使之能让他们做到概不影响工作,又能充分运筹时间学到更多、更新的科学知识呢?我认为,很有必要把一些旧传统、封闭式的教学形式进行改革,以自学为主,正规补习为辅的开放式的社会终身的教学形式.因为“走进”学校门的毕竟是少数人,在学校门外的还是大多数人,他们只有“走进”另外的门——自学.成人自学的形式是在工作中进行学习的,它能够将在工作中所举到的种种实际问题,提到学习课程上来,给它打上几个问号,使之去追索更多更新的知识,来解决和满足在工作中遇到的须要;从工作中发现问题,迫使去学习新的知识,来解决新的问题 促进自学纵深发展,在不断总结学习经验的基础上巩固专业知识,为专业服务,容易取得良好的实际效果.
Adults have a certain degree of social practice experience, imagination and analytical skills, ability to accept very strong.But most of the adult students during the decade of havoc in the era, the learning is not solid, So far, the knowledge we can master is very few and can not meet the needs of the development of the times.As adults have a heavy workload, it is impossible to learn from the job.Then how to make the current learning and its Teaching methods can be more scientific and flexible to adapt to these characteristics, to give them a good learning environment and learning conditions, so that they can do so does not affect the work, but also fully operational time to learn more, newer science In my opinion, it is necessary to reform some old traditional and closed forms of teaching and to open up an open life-long social teaching form that is self-taught and formally supplemented. Because “going into” school doors, after all, They are the few, and most of them outside of the school, they only “walked in” to other doors - self-learning. The form of adult self-study is learned at work, The practical problems cite in the course of work refer to the coming of the course of study, marking it with a few question marks to make it possible to recruit more up-to-date knowledge to solve and satisfy the needs encountered in the work; from work Find problems, force to learn new knowledge, solve new problems, promote self-learning in-depth development, consolidate professional knowledge on the basis of continuous learning experience, and serve professional purposes, easy to obtain good practical results.