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现代金融发展理论的主流观点是金融发展对经济增长意义重大。按照这种理论逻辑,西部地区金融非均衡发展应该会产生显著的经济后果。本文以金融发展为视角,着力探讨金融发展对西部地区城乡收入差距产生的影响。实证结果表明:西部地区的金融发展与城乡收入差距之间存在着一种长期均衡关系;从格兰杰因果检验和方差分析也同样可以看出,从1990年至今,西部地区金融发展一定程度上扩大了城乡差距,但城乡收入差距的扩大不是西部地区金融发展规模的格兰杰因果原因。本文的政策含义在于从解决金融发展非均衡问题上着手来缩小西部城乡收入差距是具有现实意义的。 The mainstream view of modern financial development theory is that financial development is of great significance to economic growth. According to this theoretical logic, the uneven development of finance in the western region should have significant economic consequences. From the perspective of financial development, this article focuses on the impact of financial development on the income gap between urban and rural areas in the western region. The empirical results show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between the financial development in the western region and the urban-rural income gap. From Granger causality test and analysis of variance, we can see from 1990 to the present that the financial development in the western region is to a certain extent However, the widening income gap between urban and rural areas is not the Granger cause of the scale of financial development in the western region. The policy implication of this article is that it is of practical significance to reduce the income gap between urban and rural areas in western China from the perspective of solving the unbalanced development of finance.
本文从关注课前预习、激情导入、质疑问难、提倡熟读精思、激励评价五个方面阐述了在语文教学中培养学生自主学习能力的方法。 This article elaborates the methods of cul
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