1 彻底清塘消毒鱼种塘在冬季必须加以修整,并严格进行药物清塘消毒,常用生石灰带水清塘,每亩用生石灰100~150kg,或用漂白粉带水清塘,每亩用漂白粉11~13kg。2 夏花鱼种的消毒2.1 盐水消毒用2%~3%的食盐溶液浸洗10~15分种,杀灭鳃部的车轮虫、鳃隐鞭虫及预防草鱼的白
A thorough disinfection of fish ponds in the pond must be trimmed in winter and strict disinfection of drugs Qing Tong, common lime with water ponds, with lime per acre 100 ~ 150kg, or with bleach water ponds, with bleach per acre 11 ~ 13kg. 2 summer flower species disinfection 2.1 salt water disinfection with 2% to 3% of the salt solution immersed 10 to 15 minutes to kill the gills of car rhamnosus, gills whipworm and grass carp prevention white