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在德国历史学界,“克服历史”指的是处理纳粹历史的一种方法。围绕“克服历史”上的争议在20世纪80年代后日益演变成为一种公共性的历史文化现象。如何认识与评判这些事件及其相关的公共文化特征,业已成为德国公众史学研究的一个热点问题,各种维度的研究实践陆续出现。这些实践特别表现在四个方面:从政治史角度来讨论联邦德国早期历史政策中的回避倾向及其原因;从社会史角度来考察不同时代“克服历史”之争所出现的特征及其根源;以当代史的参与者来书写刚刚过去的“克服历史”之争;综合性与比较性的研究逐渐增多。德国职业历史学家应对“克服历史”之争的态度也从漠视或轻视转变为努力纠偏、尝试理解,并将之视作贴近当下社会心态、反思学界各种问题的契机。在主动编纂相关史料集,并进而把这些争议列入当代史研究对象的同时,德国学界还提出了更多值得讨论和反思的问题:如何平衡历史真实与政治正确之间关系的方法、把历史专业平台与公共交流管道结合在一起的手段、以视觉化方式来弥补历史叙述不足的可能性等。德国历史学界在“克服历史”之争中的态度和新的问题意识,或许为中国公众史学的学科建设展示了特定的理论内涵及其现实意义。 In German historiography, “overcoming history” refers to a method of dealing with the history of the Nazis. The controversy around “overcoming history” gradually evolved into a public historical and cultural phenomenon after the 1980s. How to recognize and judge these events and their related public cultural features has become a hot issue in the study of German public history, and various dimensions of research and practice have appeared one after another. These practices are especially manifested in four aspects: from the perspective of political history, to discuss the evasion tendencies and their causes in the early history of the Federal Republic of Germany; to examine the characteristics of the “overcoming the history” dispute in different periods from the point of view of social history Rooted in the history of contemporary history; writers of the recent history of struggle over contemporary history; and more and more studies of comprehensiveness and comparativeness. German professional historians have also changed their attitude of “overcoming history” from indifference or contempt to trying to correct them and trying to understand them as an opportunity to reflect on the current social mentality and reflect on various issues in the academic field. While taking the initiative to compile relevant historical materials and then to include these controversies in the study of contemporary history, the German academic community has also put forward more questions worthy of discussion and reflection: how to balance the relationship between historical truth and political correctness, Professional platforms and public exchange channels combined with the means to visually compensate for the lack of historical narrative possibilities. The German historians’ attitudes and new sense of questions in the dispute over history can provide specific theoretical connotations and their practical significance for the discipline construction of Chinese public historiography.
作为服装行业的分支,学生装因其巨大的产值、特殊的行销渠道,以及在安全、设计、价格等方面的争议,愈发成为行业热议的话题。近日,《纺织服装周刊》记者就学生装发展前景、如何建立有效机制监管质量安全等问题,对国内知名学生装专家陈桂林进行了专访。  TAweekly:您如何看待当前国内学生装的发展现状?行业中较为突出的问题有哪些?  陈桂林:学生装对于规范和树立集体形象、增强集体凝聚力、发扬学生爱国爱校精神
时值仲秋,凉意渐显。然而,为迎接将于11月12~15日在大朗毛织贸易中心举办的第十二届中国(大朗)国际毛织产品交易会(以下简称“织交会”),中国毛织产业集群地广东省东莞市大朗镇却依旧是一派热气腾腾的景象。日前,《纺织服装周刊》记者从“织交会”组委会了解到,目前招商招展已进入高峰期,展位预订已接近90%。  魅力绽放 未展先热  “织交会”作为大朗的品牌名片,历来备受瞩目。本届“织交会”,大朗人延续