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《儿女英雄传》的作者文康,字铁仙,一字悔庵,别号燕北闲人,满洲镶红旗人。《儿女英雄传》是晚清出现的说部佳作,孙楷第先生誉为“清代小说的后劲”1而文康的生平空白点甚多。尤其是“生卒年在一个作者事迹中是首先要考查清楚的。”2但文康生年向无确证,仅有推测。如日本太田辰夫先生在《满洲族文学考》中推测文康生于嘉庆三年(1798),理由是:杨钟羲把文康当作文庆的弟弟,他所说的这个弟弟是堂弟的意思。因为文庆是嘉庆元年 “Biography of sons and daughters,” the author Kang Hong, the word iron cents, the word regret Um, alias Yanbei idol, Manchuria flag. “Biography of children and heroes” is said to be published in the late Qing Dynasty masterpiece, Mr. Sun Kaidi hailed as “stamina” in the Qing Dynasty “and the literary and art life of a lot of blank. In particular, ”The birth and death years are the first to be clearly examined in the story of one author.“ 2 However, Such as Japan’s Tatsumori Otafu ”Manchu literature test" was presumed Wen Kang was born in Jiaqing three years (1798), the reason is: Yang Zhongxi culture and culture as the younger brother of the text, he said the younger brother is cousin’s meaning. Because the celebration is the first year Jiaqing
目的探讨多烯磷脂酰胆碱(polyene phosphatidylcholine,PPC)联合腺苷蛋氨酸(S-adenosyl methionine,SAM)对非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,NASH)患者的临