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深圳特区创建以来,区属国有企业发展迅速,但离现代企业制度的要求尚有较大差距,为引导其逐步向现代企业制度转变,须在以下方面作出努力.一、要转变思想观念随着市场经济的建立和发展,市场竞争将会愈来愈激烈.在这种形势下,深圳市区属国有企业采取什么样的姿态参与竞争,并通过市场而不是等待计划调拨获取所需要的资源,这是关乎企业生存、发展的大问题.然而,一些企业的员工甚至法人代表,对上述事关企业前途、命运的问题认识不足,突出表现在:对新时期经济体制转变会给企业带来的冲击缺乏思想准备,在经济运作中遇到困难束手无策,或者麻木不仁,故此失去了诸多发展的机遇.究其原因,主要是思想观念跟不上飞速发展的形势.因此,当前应紧密联系实际,认真学习、深刻领会《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》精神,特别要着重解决好“三转变”、”三树立”:一是转变旧经济体制(即计划经济体制)观念,树立向新经济体制(即市场经济体制)过渡的思想观念;二是转变传统模式观念,树立勇于探索现代企业制度的思想观念;三是转变因循守旧观念,树立敢于打破陈规、大胆创新的思想观念. Since the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, state-owned enterprises in the sub-district have developed rapidly, but there is still a large gap from the requirements of the modern enterprise system. In order to guide the gradual transition to a modern enterprise system, efforts must be made in the following areas. First, it is necessary to change ideological concepts. With the establishment and development of a market economy, the market competition will become increasingly fierce. Under such circumstances, what kind of attitude will be taken by the state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen to participate in the competition and to allocate the necessary resources through the market instead of waiting for plans? This is a big issue that affects the survival and development of the company. However, some employees and even legal representatives do not fully understand the issues concerning the future and destiny of the enterprise. They are highlighted in the following: The impact of the lack of ideological preparations, difficulties encountered in economic operations, helplessness, or insensitivity, and therefore lost a lot of opportunities for development. The reason is mainly that ideas can not keep up with the rapid development of the situation. Therefore, the current should be closely linked with the actual, serious To learn and profoundly understand the spirit of the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Establishing a Socialist Market Economic System”, in particular Resolve the problem of “three changes” and “three establishments”: First, change the concept of the old economic system (that is, planned economy system), establish the ideological concept of transition to the new economic system (ie, the market economy system); second, change the concept of the traditional model, Establish the courage to explore the ideology of the modern enterprise system; the third is to change the old-fashioned concept, establish daring to break the stereotypes, bold and innovative ideas.
1 病例报告患者男,26岁。因左臀部疼痛、左髋关节活动受限10余日于1994—12—15入我院。半年前无明显诱因出现腰痛,活动受限,未经治疗而自愈。发病以来无发热、无盗汗。查体
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On the basis of a simple snow-atmosphere-soil transfer (SAST) model previously developed,this paper presents an improved snow-atmosphere-soil transfer (ISAST) m
我看见一只蚂蚁爬进一个小小的盆栽  它以为自己到达一片茂密的森林  我看见一条鱼儿游进海洋  它却还在寻找鱼族们说的宽广无垠  我看见春天从花瓣上慢慢褪去容颜  我看见冬天沿着屋檐以流泪的形式告别  我看见季节从枝头一片片掉落  我看见阳光每天沿着同样的轨迹走过草原  我看见从刚合上的诗集里  跃出一行任性的韵脚  我看见几个倔强的音符  敲打着落寞寂寥的琴弦  我看见蝴蝶变回了一只毛毛虫  我看