1 病历简介患儿 ,男 ,4小时。体重 1.9kg。生后哭声大 ,无青紫及窒息。生后 2小时发现全身青紫 ,并呻吟不止 ,呼吸困难。其母孕为 37+3 周 ,系三胎三产 ,自然分娩。查体 :呼吸困难 ,全身青紫 ,三凹征阳性 ,胸廓呈漏斗胸 ,两肺呼吸音粗 ,未闻及干湿罗音 ,心率 6 0次 /min
1 medical record brief children, male, 4 hours. Weight 1.9kg. Cry after birth, no bruising and suffocation. 2 hours after birth, found the body bruising, and moaning more than breathing difficulties. The mother’s pregnancy for 37 +3 weeks, the third child of three births, natural childbirth. Physical examination: difficulty breathing, body bruising, three concave sign positive chest was funnel chest, both lungs breath sounds coarse, unheard and dry and wet rales, heart rate 6 0 beats / min