中东的地理位置呈月牙状分布。目前,中东拥有人口为2.25亿,土地面积约为美国的3/4。其耕田情况为:土耳其拥有肥沃的土地和充足的水源,其耕田面积约占整个国土的30%以上,50%的劳动人口在农村。而沙特阿拉伯、埃及和伊朗则受自然条件所限,大部份为荒无人烟的沙漠。在沙特阿拉伯,其耕田面积仅占国土的1%,埃及仅为3%,伊朗亦有一半以上为渺无人烟的荒漠。 在中东,每一地区的气候情况各异,适于种植多种作物,其主要有:柑桔、棉花、海枣、葡萄、榛子、橄榄、阿月浑子果仁,水稻、烟草、蔬菜、小麦等。其主要害虫有:蚜虫、桔粉蚧、蝗
The geographical location of the Middle East was crescent-shaped distribution. At present, the Middle East has a population of 225 million and a land area of about three-quarters of that of the United States. Its farming situation is as follows: Turkey possesses fertile land and abundant water resources. Its cultivated area accounts for more than 30% of the total territory and 50% of the working population is in rural areas. However, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran are limited by natural conditions, mostly deserts. In Saudi Arabia, its plowed area accounts for only 1% of the country’s territory, while Egypt is only 3%. In Iran, more than half are deserted deserts. In the Middle East, each region has different climatic conditions and is suitable for growing a wide range of crops. The main crops are citrus, cotton, date palm, grapes, hazelnuts, olives, pistachio nuts, rice, tobacco, vegetables, Wheat and so on. The main pests are: aphids, orange mealybugs, locusts