Study of electrophysical properties of metal-semiconductor contact by the theory of complex systems

来源 :半导体学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ad5260
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The purpose of this work is to analyze the electrical properties of the metal-semiconductor contact (MSC) in the framework of the theory of complex systems.The effect of inhomogeneity of the different microstructures: polycrystalline,monocrystalline,amorphous metal-semiconductor contact surface is investigated,considering a Schottky diode (SD) as a parallel connection of numerous subdiodes.It has been shown that the polycrystallinity of the metal translates a homogeneous contact into a complex system,which consists of parallel connected numerous elementary contacts having different properties and parameters.
案例:  考生孙雪是2002年黑龙江省某重点高中文科毕业班学生。她的数学成绩突出,文科综合较弱。性格相对内向,办事踏实认真。报志愿时,她原来志愿目标是进京上中央财经大学或对外经贸大学,学习会计专业,从她估分在570-580之间来看(当年预估本科一批线为530分左右),这个目标较难实现,如果进京只能进一所实力不是很强的财经类院校或一些普通院校的财经类专业,中央财经大学和对外经贸大学基本没有希望。是选
编者按:也许你在高考复习的路上已经很疲惫,也许忙于埋头苦读让你觉得寂寞,也许每天封闭的校园生活让你来不及和同龄人交流。那么,请在这一刻掀起你心上的盖头,用心审视一下高三人生活中的精彩之处,或许可以让你得到不少启发呢!    在教学楼的走廊上,我看到教室的外面,除了“某年级某班”的编号以外,各个班还为自己的集体取了名字,有的是“静远”,有的是“晨口”,有的干脆在教室门口贴上对联,很有意思。我随便走进