
来源 :当代电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daguofan
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戏曲电影自诞生之日起,就成为国家意识形态的重要载体,其主体意识因为国家意识形态的介入而发生反转,角色开始定向嬗变;价值诉求因政治宣传教育的需要而开始逆反,导致其功能的指向转换;也因此,戏曲电影的艺术风格开始解构,审美体验受到国家意识形态的导向性影响,强化了国家观念和主流思想意识。当代文化语境下,戏曲电影的发展必须实现历史与现实的有效对接,重新定义自己的文化身份。 Since its birth, opera films have become an important carrier of state ideology. Its main body consciousness has been reversed due to the intervention of state ideology, and its role has begun to change in a directional manner. The value appeal has begun to reverse due to the need of political propaganda and education, Therefore, the artistic style of the operatic film begins to deconstruct and the aesthetic experience is influenced by the guiding ideology of the state, strengthening the concept of the state and the mainstream ideology. Under the contemporary cultural context, the development of the drama film must realize the effective connection between history and reality and redefine its own cultural identity.
The popular radio frequency(RF) chip on board(COB) test has gradually taken the place of onwafer test due to the high efficiency and high power. This paper pres
Physiological measures indexed by fixation frequency and total fixation time,task performance based on n-back accuracy,subjective assessment based on NASA Task
在建大连地铁一号线师范大学站设在辽宁师范大学校园北侧黄河路下,沿黄河路东西向设置。车站总长170.2 m,为地下2层岛式车站,顶板覆土厚10.927~15.051 m。车站为浅埋暗挖,施工