一、含蓄性语言暗示艺术 含蓄是一种美,是一种艺术,任何一种有效的成功的教学语言艺术,都离不开含蓄性语言的暗示艺术。 (一)言近旨远法。常言说得好,语贵含蓄,“言有尽而意无究者”,善言也。唐代史学家刘知己在《史通·叙事》中说道:“言近而旨远,辞浅而义深,虽发语已殚,而含意不尽。”他告诉我们叙事说理不要把话说尽了,要给听者或读者留有思考的余地。 (二)说古喻今法。在有些问题上,在某种场合照直说,不仅不能产生某种感染力量,同时也不能造成愉悦的心情氛围。采取比喻暗示,既能使学生乐意接受,心情愉悦,又能增加教学的感染力。宋代学者严羽就说过:“语忌直,意忌浅,脉忌露,味忌短,音韵忌散缓,亦忌迫
1. Implicit Language Implicit Art Implicative is a kind of beauty, which is an art. Any effective and successful teaching language art can not be separated from implied language implied art. (a) The words are close to the goal. As the saying goes, the words are precious and subtle. Liu Zhiji, a historian of the Tang Dynasty, said in “Shi Tong’s Narrative”: “Ye words are far-reaching, words are shallow, and words are deep and righteous. Although the utterances are ambiguous and meaning is not exhaustive,” he told us that the narrative should not say anything. There is room for thinking about the listener or reader. (b) Say the ancient times and the present law. In some cases, in some cases, it is not only impossible to produce some kind of infectious power, but also cannot create a pleasant mood. Analogy implies that students can be willing to accept and feel good, but also increase the appeal of teaching. Yan Yu, a scholar of the Song Dynasty, said: “The language is not straight, the meaning is shallow, the veins are detested, the bogey is short, the linguistic bogey is loose, and it is also deterred.