The Progress of Self—Redemption

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  Abstract:This thesis analyzes the protagonist’s growth in The Kite Runner from the perspective of Jung’s archetypal theory.Through an analysis of the protagonist’s growth,it reflects the development of the protagonist’s psychology and then his awareness of pursuing self-salvation and self-realization,thus resents the protagonist’s inner affection and his mental process.The emphasis of this thesis lies on the analysis of the protagonist’s personality and growth from the aspects of four major archetypes—the persona,the shadow,the anima/animus and the self,which play critical roles in people’s personality and behaviors.
  Key Words:The Kite Runner archetype self-redemptionself-realization
  Based on the four major archetypes of Jung,the thesis analyzes the protagonist’s progress of self-redemption.It gives an analysis of the flaws in his personality from the aspects of persona,shadow and the absence of anima.And then,based on the archetype of the self,the author analyzes that Amir achieves his self-realization and raises himself to a level of pursuing wholeness in his personality when he plucks up courage to face his guilt and conquers his defects to realize his self-salvation.The author believes that encoding this novel with Jung’s archetypal theory will provide the readers with a new standpoint to get a more thorough and deeper understanding about this novel.
  2.Carl G.Jung’s Archetypal Theory
  As an influential thinker and the founder of analytic psychology,Jung spent his lifetime exploring the collective unconscious and the archetypes.In 1919,Jung first mentioned the term “archetype” in his Instinct and the Unconscious,and he conceived archetypes “to be innate neuropsychic centers possessing the capacity to initiate,control,and mediate the common behavioral characteristics and typical experience of all human beings”(Stevens,2007:48).Tribal lore,myth and fairy tale are all included in the archetypes,from which we can find “countless typical experiences of our ancestors”(Jung,1968a:665).Jung recognized and described many archetypes during his lifetime.In his work Researches into the Phenomenology of Self,Jung mentioned several most important archetypes when we are confronted with ourselves;they are in such an order from the outset toward the inner:the persona,the shadow,anima and animus,the self.
  Jung described it in his book that persona is a mask or set of masks that we all wear.We choose a mask which “corresponds with our conscious intentions,while it also meets with the requirements and opinions of our social environment”(Jung,1971:608).In order to adapt to particular situation and comply with the social standards and norms with regard to the behaviors,we often put on a false front—the persona.Therefore,the persona is our social personality,a personality that is sometimes quite different from our true self.What’s more,there are a variety of personas in one person.Each specific persona is the adaptation to specific surroundings and conditions,conforming to the person’s social status and title.   The shadow archetype is basically the dark side of our personality.“The shadow archetype takes its manifested form from the dark and repressed aspects of the personality,those characteristics and traits are what a person refuses to acknowledge about him or her”(Jung 1968a:513).It is our unrecognized desires and demands,our repressed portions of ourselves.In terms of acceptance,the shadow contains those aspects of ourselves we do not accept and may not even acknowledge.Inevitably,the shadow comes to possess qualities opposite to those of persona,the shadow compensating,as it were,for the superficial pretensions of the persona,the persona balancing the antisocial characteristics of the shadow.
  The anima is a feminine image in the male psyche and the animus is a male image in the female psyche.The anima/animus represents the "true self" rather than the image we present to others and serves as the primary source of communication with the collective unconscious.The combination of the anima and animus is known as the syzygy,or the divine couple.The syzygy represents completion,unification and wholeness.Each person possesses some kind of qualities of the opposite sex,not only biologically but also psychologically.Thus,both anima and animus are crucial for one’s healthy development of personality.
  The self archetype represents the unity,integration and harmony of the total personality.Its goal is wholeness,the complete realization of the blueprint for human existence within the context of the life of the individual.This archetype involves bringing together and balancing all parts of the personality.The self serves as a motivating force,pulling us from ahead rather than pushing us from behind.The development of the self can motivate the increase of one’s awareness,perception,understanding,and the direction of his life.
  3.Amir’s Process of Self-Redemption
  3.1 Amir’s Persona
  For Amir,he has several titles in the novel.First of all,he is a gentle,mild boy born in an Afghan rich family,and thus he needs to adapt himself to the community he lives,no matter how unwilling he is.Second,being a motherless Afghan son,he lives in an all-man-round environment,and his dad—Baba,as a Pashtun specimen,who owns a good reputation in the society more than a successful merchant.Amir’s admiration of Baba is evident.He desperately craves for Baba’s love,praise and what’s more forgiveness,for he thinks he steals Baba’s princess away from him,and his birth is a kind of sin—theft.So as a son,he wears his good-son mask,discreetly behaving himself in order to get Baba’s appreciation.He tries hard to gain chances during which only he and Baba alone could stay together,which he thinks is a way to have his father all to himself.At last,he is also a Pashtun master,whose servant is loyal to him and he takes it for granted.In order to be recognized by all of them,it is necessary for him to wear different masks to face different people and in different situations.   3.2 Amir’s Persona Shadow
  In Amir,the shadow is the embodiment of his sensitivity,selfishness and cowardice,which are viewed as improper in his community and society,especially by his father.His sensitivity is reflected in his shame of himself as he considers himself as the murderer of his mother,and it is the reason why Baba always shows aloofness towards him.Baba’s aloofness is the origin of his lacking of confidence,suspicious of himself,jealousy of Hassan and self-contempt.His cowardice emerged every time he faced provocations,challenges and difficulties.
  According to Jung’s explanation of shadow,when sensitivity,selfishness and cowardice are designated to the dungeons of the unconscious as shadow prisoners,these feelings become insecurity and false pride that rule the conscious mind through fear,neurosis and aggressive behavior.These lead to isolation and depression.In this sense,it makes Amir’s behavior understandable.Though as a seemingly mild child,his dark inner side makes its way out through cruel behavior upon Hassan,such as making fun of Hassan’s illiterate when he reads story for him even though he notices that Hassan feels the sting of his tease.And later,he treats Hassan even cruel by his totally betrayal.Regretting about his own choice about Hassan and the kite,he resents himself and feels guilty of looking at Hassan’s face or listening to his voice.In order to punish himself and reduce his sense of guilt,he does his utmost to drive Hassan and Ali away,which brings about the extremely painful hurt to everyone around him.At the same time,he isolates himself from contact with other people except his Baba.
  3.3 Amir’s Absence of Anima
  Amir’s mother died the moment after her giving birth to Amir,and his childhood is spent in an all-man-around environment,so the anima side of his persona is absented.In accordance with Jung,father acts as persona,influencing the children’s attitudes towards outside world and their confidence;while mother plays another role,supplying a feeling of safety to children’s inner psychology.As a boy growing without mother’s tender care and love,he instinctively longs for father’s attention,recognition and love.However,he could not get these compensations from his father.All of these give rise to his unhealthy development of personality.Hence,his flaws of character,sensitivity,selfishness,humility and cowardice are on some degree caused by this absence of Anima.And it was not surprising when he made his own choice to sacrifice his best friend Hassan.   But later,when he gets married in free love in America,the Anima side of his persona is compensated by his beloved wife,and thus his personality is gradually getting completed.Compared to the young man who depended on his father in his earlier life stage,Amir’s marriage resembles the beginning of adulthood.From the moment he getting married,his role is no longer a son but a husband of his wife.He had another social identity and a responsibility to carry,which required him not only physically matured but also spiritually matured,to be an independent man.
  3.4 Amir’s Self
  Amir’s self-realization is a tough task and a long journey.His first step of his self-realization begins with his decision to go back to Pakistan and to see Rahim when he gets his call,which means his admission of his sin and his resolution to compensate it.After old Rahim venting the past secret about Hassan,Amir sets up his mind to rescue Sorhab in spite of the extremely difficulties,dangers and hardships.And this redemption is the start of his “very lengthy,difficult,and complicated task” to his self-realization.Amir is not the only one who has his unatoned sin,Baba is also carried with his sin unatoned under the earth,and thus,Amir’s redemption is both for himself and his father.And later,Amir’s decision of adoption presents his progress of himself,indicating a pursuit of wholeness in his spirit.Although the process of adoption encounters many obstacles for the requirement of all kinds of unavailable certificates,they succeed at last.Ultimately,Amir conquers his cowardice,atons his sin,and gets the sublimation of his spirit.At the end of the novel,he is in harmony with himself as well as with the world.
  From the aspect of Jung’s archetypical theory,the thesis concentrates on the analysis of the hero’s self-redemption in The Kite Runner.According to Jung,human’s past experiences lies deep in the collective unconscious that is the archetypes.And there are major four archetypes which influence human psyche more than others,the persona,the shadow,the anima and animus,and the self.The former three has tremendous significance for the formation of human personality.Therefore,by elucidating Amir’s personality and growth from the three archetypes,the reader will have a more through picture as regard to the understanding the hero’s behavior.The self archetype is the unification of all other archetypes,and the harmony and wholeness of the personality.In his childhood,Amir bears an incomplete personality as a result of the absence of love,tender,affection,recognition and appreciation which is supposed to be offered by his mother and father.But later in his adolescence,his is on the way of pursuing self-salvation and the wholeness of his personality.And he does succeed.
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摘 要:本项目以嘉兴学院学生为样本,对嘉兴学院学生进行了嘉兴传统民俗文化认知程度的调查。这首先需要项目成员自身对嘉兴民俗文化有一定的了解。通过大量的文献阅读,网络手段及对身边同学老师、以及长辈们的口头咨询等,我们搜集整理关于嘉兴传统民俗的资料,了解到了许多嘉兴的节日及习俗。并在立项成功的半年内利用节假日,实地考察了许多民俗传统的文化形式。并作出调查问卷,对同学们的认知情况和对传统文化的态度做出调查
摘 要:随着我国经济的快速发展和社会的进步,交通运输在生产和生活中的比重越来越大,与交通工程建設和管理的安全设施密切相关,成为社会关注的焦点。因此,在道路交通工程建设中,安全设施的建设和管理是整个施工过程中的重点工程。  关键词:交通工程;安全设施;施工;管理  引言  交通工程安全由多种因素决定,一方面与行人、驾驶员的安全意识、道路的几何设计相结合,另一方面与限速、护栏和格里查、标志、线等有关,
摘 要:安全是一种幸福,幸福是一种美好状态;安全是一切工作的入口和基础,只有在安全的前提下,员工的身体健康和家庭幸福才能得到保证,公司才能得以发展。目前国内家用空调行业安维单位的服务人员安全意识严重不足,常因不规范操作等原因导致人员伤亡及财产损失,整个行业须制定有效的管理措施以保障安维人员群体的利益。  关键词:家用空调;安装;安全作业  案例1:2017年6月3日,盐城市某小区用户自行对新买的空
摘 要:煤矿生产中最为重要的是安全生产,在现在煤矿开采等工作中,生产安全已经成为企业最为重视的环节。另外,实现安全性生产有许多途径,但最基础、最根本的是要做好地质测量工作。可以说,地质测量工作与煤矿安全生产是密不可分的,其直接关乎着企业最终的经济效益以及环境效益。因此,本文主要从地质测量方面研究了这一工作的重要性,然后针对如何做好这一工作进行了相关原则探讨,旨在更好地促进地质测量工作的开展,保障煤
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