Critical bubble radius in solvent sublation

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fntshb
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The complex compound of dithizone-Co(Ⅱ) was separated and concentrated from the aqueous phase to n-octanol by solvent sublation.From the analysis of the coalescence behavior of bubbles on water-organic interface,the conception of critical bubble radius was proposed,and the value of the critical bubble radius in the water-octanol system was obtained:1.196×10~(-3)m.The simulation of the mathematical model using CBR and experimental data is completed with perfect results,and the simulation of the mathematical model using CBR is very different with the classic one.The analytical results proved that the critical bubble radius should be adequately considered in mathematical model of solvent sublation. The complex compound of dithizone-Co (II) was separated and concentrated from the aqueous phase to n-octanol by solvent sublation. Flash the analysis of the coalescence behavior of bubbles on water-organic interface, the conception of critical bubble radius was proposed, and the value of the critical bubble radius in the water-octanol system was obtained: 1.196 × 10 -3 m. The simulation of the mathematical model using CBR and experimental data is completed with perfect results, and the simulation of the mathematical model using CBR is very different with the classic one. The analytical results proved that the critical bubble radius should be adequately considered in mathematical model of solvent sublation.
教师的职业特殊性决定了教师必须要有健康的心理和人格特征。本文针对体育教师心理问题的产生原因分析与对策探究,从而可以帮助体育教师更好地适应社会,胜任本职工作。 The
摘 要  中职学生的就业问题是一个长久以来备受关注的问题。对于计算机专业的学生而言,他们的未来就业也是学校在人才培养计划中的一个重要的部分,如何能够培养出拥有更多实践经验和良好职业素养的学生是教学计划中的重心,但是就目前而言,中职计算机专业的教育模式仍然不能为市场培养出实用型的人才。为了让学生能够得到更多的就业机会,也为了让企业能够得到更高水准的人才,学校应当采取更加科学的教育模式,让学生能够更好
A soluble poly(meta-phenylene)derivative with rigid twisted biphenyl unit was synthesized by the Yamamoto coupling reaction.The polymer is soluble in common org
摘要:本文结合笔者多年的班主任工作实践,针对目前高中生突出的问题和面对德育的重要性和德育的实效性形成的极大反差,从德育实践,德育的真、善、美和同伴教育三方面就高中班主任德育教育的实效性作一探讨。  关键词:教育管理;高级中学;班主任;德育;实效性;研究    高中生是人生成长的精华阶段,正处于从个体生理成熟到心理成熟的阶段,是人生的“黄金时代”“锦绣年华”,但也是人生的十字路口。高中教育是基础教育