汉末三国时代的诸葛亮在我国古代政治家中是一位佼佼者 ;在众多的历史人物中 ,又是家喻户晓的智多星。他的政治、军事才能和鞠躬尽瘁的精神 ,以及高尚的品德风范和近乎完美的人格道德 ,为世世代代所景仰。笔者谈谈诸葛亮用人的得失及其启示 ,望读者不吝赐教。东汉后期 ,天下大
Zhuge Liang in the late Han and the Three Kingdoms period was a leader in ancient Chinese politicians. Among numerous historical figures, Zhuge Liang was also a well-known intellectual star. His political, military capabilities and spared no efforts in spirit, as well as the noble character and style and almost perfect personality and morality, admired for generations. The author talked about the pros and cons of employing Zhuge Liang and its enlightenment, hope readers have educated us. Eastern Han Dynasty, great world