The behavior of soil-structure interface plays a major role in the definition of soil-structure interaction. In this paper a bi-potential surface elasto-plastic model for soil-structure interface is proposed in order to describe the interface deformation behavior,including strain softening and normal dilatancy. The model is formulated in the framework of generalized potential theory,in which the soil-structure interface problem is regard as a two-dimensional mathematical problem in stress field,and plastic state equations are used to replace the traditional field surface. The relation curves of shear stress and tangential strain are fitted by a piecewise function composed by hyperbolic functions and hyperbolic secant functions,while the relation curves of normal strain and tangential strain are fitted by another piecewise function composed by quadratic functions and hyperbolic secant functions. The approach proposed has the advantage of deriving an elastoplastic constitutive matrix without postulating the plastic potential functions and yield surface. Moreover,the mathematical principle is clear,and the entire model parameters can be identified by experimental tests. Finally,the predictions of the model have been compared with experimental results obtained from simple shear tests under normal stresses,and results show the model is reasonable and practical.
The behavior of soil-structure interface plays a major role in the definition of soil-structure interaction. In this paper a bi-potential surface elasto-plastic model for soil-structure interface is proposed in order to describe the interface deformation behavior, including strain softening and normal dilatancy. The model is formulated in the framework of generalized potential theory, in which the soil-structure interface problem is regard as a two-dimensional mathematical problem in stress field, and plastic state equations are used to replace the traditional field surface The relation curves of shear stress and tangential strains are fitted by a piecewise function composed by hyperbolic functions and hyperbolic secant functions, while the relation curves of normal strain and tangential strains are fitted by another piecewise function composed by quadratic functions and hyperbolic secant functions. The approach proposed has the advantage of deriving an elastoplastic constitutive matrix wit Finally, the predictions of the model have been compared with experimental results obtained from simple shear tests under normal stresses, and results show the model is reasonable and practical.