
来源 :轻兵器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loverzhouweia
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轻武器装备的多样化 自20世纪60年代以来,我军步兵轻武器装备形成制式,并陆续进行了一些改进,使引进或仿制武器更适合我军需要。1980年以后,我国自行研制的轻武器逐渐替代了原来仿制的制式武器。“八五”期间,一大批新研制的轻武器已经定型并陆续装备部队。由此,我军的轻武器装备呈现出多样化格局。但是,我们在装备认识上受计划经济的影响,过多强凋整齐划一,对装备的多样化认识不足,其表现为一种新武器出现后对原装武器或停产或撤装,研究部门搞好一项研究项目后转而就去搞新的项目,对先前项目很少过问,就是部队在使用中提出了问题,也只有生产部门进行小打小闹、非实质性的改进。这种情况既不利于轻武器的发展,也不利于生产技术的提高,更不能满足部队各种作战条件的需求。 Diversification of Light Weaponry and Equipment Since the 1960s, our armed forces have formed a system of light weapons and equipment and have made some improvements in succession so that the introduction or imitation of weapons is more suitable for the needs of our military. Since 1980, China's self-developed light weapons have gradually replaced the original generic weapons. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, a large number of newly developed light weapons have been put on shape and gradually equipped with troops. As a result, our military's light weapons and equipment show a diversified pattern. However, due to the influence of the planned economy in the equipment understanding, we are excessively vigorous and regurgitant. Our understanding of the diversification of equipment is inadequate. The performance of a new type of weapon is either halted or withdrawn after the advent of a new weapon and the research department does a good job A research project that turns to a new project and seldom intervenes in previous projects means that the army has raised problems in its use, and only the production departments have carried out indiscriminate and substantive improvements. This situation is neither conducive to the development of light weapons, nor is it conducive to the improvement of production technology, but can not meet the needs of various combat conditions of the armed forces.
云南省网吧协会云南省网吧行业协会成立于2007年12月18日,目前拥有成员理事百余名,得益于省文化厅对网吧行业的重视,组建具有号召力的网 Yunnan Internet Cafe Association
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目的 研究运动锻炼对2型糖尿病肾病(DN)患者血压、脂蛋白(a)及尿微量白蛋白的影响.方法将80例2型DN患者随机分为治疗组与对照组,每组各40例.对照组维持原糖尿病治疗方案不变,治疗组在原治疗方案的基础上进行运动锻炼,观察8周.结果治疗后,两组患者血压、尿微量白蛋白及脂蛋白(a)均降低(P<0.05),治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.01).结论适量运动锻炼对降低2型DN患者的血压、脂蛋白(a)及
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