
来源 :现代职业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kftgb1221
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在中等职业技术学校中,机械识图是机械类专业学生必须掌握的一门实践性较强的专业基础课,但是该课程普遍存在着教师难教、学生难学的问题。将CAXA实体设计与机械识图这两门课结合起来,以机械识图教学的难点为突破口,利用CAXA软件的三维造型功能,建立三维实体模型,展示零部件立体结构,将信息化手段融入课堂,提高课堂效率和学生学习的有效性。 In secondary vocational and technical schools, mechanical drawing is a practical and basic course for students majoring in mechanical engineering. However, there is a common problem in this course that teachers are hard to teach and students are hard to learn. Combining CAXA entity design and mechanical image recognition, this dissertation takes the difficulty of mechanical figure teaching as a breakthrough point, uses the three-dimensional modeling function of CAXA software to build a three-dimensional solid model, displays the three-dimensional structure of parts and components and integrates the information technology into the classroom Improve classroom effectiveness and student learning effectiveness.
如果你对同一个人经常重复相同的话,或反复提一样的问题;如果你说话时突然忘了要说什么,或者忘记关煤气而把饭菜烧焦或把水煮干了;如果你不记得是否锁门、关电源——小心,你的记忆力已经开始退化了!  记忆力退化的原因除了正常的脑力衰退外,慢性病及长期服用药物也可能是原因之一。同时记忆力还和情绪有关,包括紧张、抑郁、痛苦等在内的负面情绪也会造成记忆力退化。而长期抽烟、酗酒、有药瘾者,则容易使脑细胞变异、衰退