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兴趣爱好比智力技能更能促进学生勤奋学习,它是学好英语的首要条件。因为只有love what you do,才会get what you love。大凡学游泳的人都有这样的一种体验,在岸上谈如何学习游泳,谈一会儿就会使人感到厌烦。但如果能亲自下水体验一下,并努力地去学着游,情况就不一样了,渐渐地会爱上这项运动。人往往一旦爱上某件事,即使不让他去做,他也非去做不可,“兴趣”就是在这一次次实践中产生和发展起来,而且变得越来 Interests and hobbies more than intellectual skills to promote students to study diligently, it is the first condition to learn English well. Because only love what you do, will get what you love. All people who learn to swim have such an experience, on the shore about how to learn to swim, talk about for a while will be annoying. However, if you can personally experience the water and try to learn to travel, the situation is different, and gradually will fall in love with the sport. People tend to fall in love with something, even if you do not let him do, he can not do it, “interest ” is generated and developed in this practice, but also more and more
We consider the least square estimator for the parameters of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes dYs =(κ∑j=1μjφj(s)-βYs)ds + dZqs,H,driven by the Hermite process
传统小学高年级英语课堂难以体现素质教育的要求发挥主体作用,笔者在英语课堂中践行生本教育,取得很好的效果。 Traditional high school grade English classroom is diffi
The first aim of this paper is to investigate the growth of the entire function defined by the Laplace-Stieltjes transform converges on the whole complex plane.
美国教育家杜威认为,教育即生活,教育的过程伴随着人的连续生长。而我国著名教育家陶行知先生则认为,生活即教育,教育要植根于生活的土壤,那样才能迸发出力量,让教育富于意义。那么,如何实现教学生活化呢?我们就要挖掘生活化的资源、创设生活的情境以及延伸生活化的作业,让学生在学习的方方面面都能感受到生活,进而汲取养分,积极成长。  1. 挖掘生活资源,激发学生兴趣  在传统教学中,教师习惯严格按照课本教学,
The microstructural evolution of A356 machining chips in the semisolid state was studied at different temperatures and holding times. The results showed that th