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本文比较阿瑟·韦利与苏慧廉《论语》英译本中“仁”字翻译的不同,试图探索两位译者各自翻译选择背后的原因。通过对两位译者教育、宗教背景和翻译理念的探寻,在译者主体性理论的指导下,笔者重点分析译者个人因素在其翻译过程中的显现和对翻译文本的制控。本文试图证明:阿瑟·韦利身为汉学家,对“仁”的翻译更多倾向于其世俗的含义;而苏慧廉的传教士身份则让他对“仁”的理解带有更多的宗教情怀。两位译者不同的翻译选择是译者主体性对于译本形成影响的鲜明例证。 This article compares the different translations of “Ren” in Arthur Waley and Su Huilian’s English translation of The Analects of Confucius, trying to explore the reasons behind the translators’ choice of translation. Through the exploration of the two translators’ education, religious background and translation concept, under the guidance of translator’s subjectivity theory, the author focuses on the appearance of translator’s personal factors in their translation process and the control of translated texts. This article attempts to prove that Arthur Veli, as a sinologist, tends to have more secular implications for the translation of “Ren”; and the identity of the preacher of Su Huilian gives him an understanding of “Ren” More religious feelings. The two translators’ different translation choices are the vivid examples of the translator’s subjectivity influencing the translation.
【摘要】香港小学课堂的英语教学很有特色。依靠运用歌曲开路,激活学生知识经验,做好学习准备;运用知识解题,注重学生思维发展,关注表达完善;提倡寓教于乐,通过生活任务驱动,增加交流机会;培养问题意识,促进学生敢提看法,做出各自判断;绘制主题导图,提高学生写作效率,培养写作策略。香港小学英语教学中诸多地方值得我们借鉴。如何取长补短,缩短距离,是我们今后必须努力的方向。  【关键词】歌曲 知识 任务驱动