《声声慢》是南宋著名女词人李清照所写的一篇力作 ,这次参加江苏省首届戏歌大奖赛 ,我演唱的《声声慢》作为参赛曲目 ,并荣获优秀演唱奖。回顾参赛前后的一系列准备工作 ,感触与体会还是非常深的。《声声慢》是李清照晚年所作。事实上李清照的诗词也是她人生经历的真实写照。
Slow Voice is a masterpiece written by Li Qingzhao, a famous female songwriter of the Southern Song Dynasty. This time she took part in the first Grand Prix of Jiangsu Province. I was singing “Slow Voice” as the entry and won the Outstanding Performance Award. Before and after reviewing a series of preparatory work, feeling and experience is still very deep. “Slow voice” is made by Li Qingzhao in his later years. In fact, Li Qingzhao’s poetry is a true portrayal of her life experience.