
来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jlckyang123
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这项研究旨在描述体育教师的行为教育理论和理论运用之间的关系。研究所关注的问题是:体育教师的教育理论和实践的意义是什么?他们的教育理论在多大程度上指导了教育实践?研究数据来源于课程观察、正式和非正式的面谈以及期刊文献。结果显示这项研究中的四位教师对有关学习和接受体育教育的学生开展教育具有相似的观点。他们认为体育教育计划的基本目的是发展技能,而且他们相信在学生学习过程中,教师指导学生练习是重要的。教学内容的选择和执行应考虑学生的性别平等、学生需要和能力的发展。 The aim of this study is to describe the relationship between physical education teacher’s theory of behavioral education and application of theory. The research questions are: What is the significance of physical education teachers’ theory and practice of education? To what extent does their theory of education guide educational practice? The research data come from curriculum observations, formal and informal interviews, and periodical literature. The results showed that the four teachers in this study shared similar views on education for students studying and receiving physical education. They think that the basic purpose of physical education programs is to develop skills, and they believe that it is important for teachers to instruct students to practice during the student learning process. The selection and implementation of teaching content should take into account the gender equality of students, the needs and capabilities of students.
<正> 上海属北亚热带湿润性季风气候带,四季分明,具有夏热、冬冷、春秋温暖的特征,与此相适应的自然植被是以落叶阔叶群落为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林。由于长时期的农业开发与