A large number of literature analysis found that insect 18S rDNA sequences can be used as an indicator of species classification. The 18S rDNA sequences (2200-2500 bp) of all 18-rDNA subfamilies in the Homoptera are longer than the 18S rDNA sequences (1900-1925 bp) in the suborder benthropora and some Hemiptera, which are typical molecular taxonomic features. The longest 18S rDNA sequence of the whitefly, its base substitution rate is 3 times higher than that of some insects of the genus Hemiptera, and its aphids and scale insects have a 1.5 times higher base replacement rate than some insects of the order Hemiptera. Breasted beetles are single-sourced and form sister groups with the species of the head beak and part of the Hemiptera. These findings have evidence of fossil record, reproductive biology, geographical distribution, feeding strategies and others