瑞典皇家科学院在2010年10月6日中午宣布,有机化学已经发展成为一种艺术,科学家们在他们的试管中进行着神奇的化学创造。人类通过这些创造以药物、更为精致的电子器件和先进材料的形式获益。2010年诺贝尔化学奖授予今天化学家们可以利用的最为巧妙的工具的发明人美国科学家理查德F.赫克(Richard F.Heck)、日本科学家根岸英一(Ei-ichi Negishi)和铃木章(Akira Suzuki),以表彰他们对发现有机合成中的钯催化交叉偶联反应的贡献。本刊编辑部特把诺贝尔奖委员会在其网站上公布的供公众阅读的有关获奖的资讯材料译成中文予以转载发表,以示庆贺。
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced at noon on October 6, 2010 that organic chemistry has evolved into an art where scientists carry out magical chemistry in their test tubes. Humans have benefited from these creatures in the form of medicines, more sophisticated electronics and advanced materials. Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Richard F. Heck, inventor of the clever tools available to chemists today, Japanese scientist Ei-ichi Negishi and Suzuki Akira Suzuki, in recognition of their contribution to the discovery of palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions in organic synthesis. The editorial department of the magazine specifically translated the Nobel Prize Committee published on its website for the public to read the award-winning information materials translated into Chinese to be reproduced published in celebration.