为了解2011~2012年河北省急性弛缓性麻痹(Acute flaccid paralysis,AFP)病例中非脊髓灰质炎肠道病毒(Non-polio enterovirus,NPEV)的血清型分布,探讨这些病毒与AFP的关系,本研究按照世界卫生组织要求,对河北省AFP病例粪便标本利用人横纹肌肉瘤(Human rhabdomyosarcoma,RD)细胞和转人脊髓灰质炎病毒受体的小鼠肺(Mouse cell line expressing the gene for the human cellular receptor for poliovirus,L20B)细胞进行病毒分离。筛检出NPEV毒株后,进行VP1区核苷酸序列测定,使用分子定型方法对NPEV进行血清型别鉴定。结果显示,在2011~2012年AFP病例中分离到的82株NPEV中共鉴定出A组人肠道病毒(HEV-A)42株(55.3%),包含4个血清型;B组人肠道病毒(HEV-B)34株(44.7%),包含13个血清型别,未鉴定出C组和D组人肠道病毒。另外还有2株腺病毒,4株未定型NPEV。HEV-A组中又以肠道病毒71型(EV-A71)为主要型别,在HEV-A中比例高达85.7%。2011~2012年河北省AFP病例中分离到的NPEV以HEV-A居多,尤其是EV-A71,为AFP病例中的优势毒株。
To understand the serotype distribution of non-polio enterovirus (NPEV) in acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases in Hebei Province from 2011 to 2012 and to explore the relationship between these viruses and AFP, According to the request of WHO, stool specimens from AFP cases of Hebei province were collected from human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells and mouse cell line expressing the gene for the human cellular receptor for poliovirus, L20B) cells. After the NPEV strain was screened, the nucleotide sequence of VP1 region was determined, and the serotype of NPEV was identified by molecular typing method. The results showed that 42 strains (55.3%) of group A human enteroviruses (HEV-A) were identified in 82 NPEV isolates from 2011 to 2012 and contained 4 serotypes. Group B human enterovirus (HEV-B) 34 (44.7%), including 13 serotypes, did not identify C and D human enterovirus. In addition there are 2 strains of adenovirus and 4 strains of untypical NPEV. In the group of HEV-A, enterovirus 71 (EV-A71) was the main type again, and the proportion in HEV-A was as high as 85.7%. The majority of NPEV isolated from AFP cases in Hebei province from 2011 to 2012 were HEV-A, especially EV-A71, which was the predominant strain in AFP cases.