中国国民党中央委员会诸位先生并转中国国民党全体党员大鉴: 自从本党及苏维埃政府与红军发表抗日救国宣言②以来,忽已一年多了。本党及苏维埃政府与红军创议组织民族统一战线联合全国各党各派各界一致抗日的主张,虽然得到了全国爱国领袖与爱国人民的拥护,但因贵党及贵党政府迟疑不肯采纳,致使神圣的民族自卫战争直到今天还未发动。而日寇则已乘虚直入,得寸进尺,沦亡惨祸。迫在目前,全国彷徨,不可终日,这种全国全民族的绝大危险,完全是由于贵党及贵党政府的错误政策所招来的。现在是亡国灭种的紧急关头了,本党不得不向贵党再一次
All the members of the Central Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang transferred to all members of the Chinese Kuomintang. Since the declaration on fighting Japan and the nation was released by the party and the Soviet government and the Red Army, more than a year has passed since then. Although the party and the Soviet government and the Red Army’s proposal to organize a united national front to unite the parties in all walks of life in the country in fighting against Japan for their unanimous opposition to Japan have won the support of the patriotic leaders and patriotic people across the country, the hesitation of your party and your party government to refuse to adopt it will result in divine The national defense of self-defense war has not yet launched. The Japanese aggressors have been taken advantage of, gain the inch footage, the tragedies. At present, the great danger of such a nation-wide nation as a result of the country’s quest for a lasting victory is entirely due to the wrong policies of the Party and your party government. It is now an urgent juncture for extinction of the nation, and our party has to resort to your party again