The pharmacy department of the hospital is a department with a wide range of technologies and services and is a lifeblood of the hospital’s economic turnover. The level of pharmacy management is closely related to the development of the hospital. The management of pharmacies from traditional Chinese medicine libraries to pharmacies is an important and difficult part of the pharmacy department. Due to the complexity of traditional Chinese medicines and the large price volatility of traditional Chinese medicines, the error rate in pricing and other aspects is high. At the same time, from the warehouse to the Chinese medicine dispensing station and then to the patients, the amount of sales in the entire process is not as easy to grasp as Western medicine or medicine. This is a major problem that has not been resolved so far in hospital management and has become one of the keys to hospital management. To revitalize Chinese medicine, whether it can improve hospital management is an important factor. Therefore, how to adapt to the needs of development and improve and improve the management mechanism has become an urgent research topic. In response to this, we introduced microcomputers into pharmacy management and together with Weifang Computer Microcomputer Factory