33 cases of tarsal osteotomy and tarsal drilling 250 cases, of which 152 cases of stapes foot resection, fat and wire prosthesis reconstruction; 98 cases of tarsal drilling Teflon piston reconstruction, 镫Bone drilling using a small window method, with artificial or low-speed drilling in the foot above the top of the drill diameter of 5 ~ 6mm holes, placed a diameter of 4mm Teflon piston, fat and then closed the oval window. Thirty-three of 250 patients underwent binaural surgery. Local anesthesia, the majority of incisions with the ear, a small incision for the ear. 3 to 6 months after hearing, and follow-up for 1 year. After preoperative and postoperative air-air conduction difference, air conduction and language acceptance rate examination found that: the postoperative gap less than 10dB adipose metal wire group accounted for 95%, the remaining 5% at 11 ~ 20dB; Teflon live