乔冠华出席26届联合国大 会前,首先拜访了当时在医院 治病的联合国秘书长吴丹,并 呈交政府委任书,仪式隆重。在这过程中,吴丹同乔冠华热烈握手寒暄,表示祝贺和相识。乔冠华递上委任书,然后坐下与吴丹交谈几句,简短仪式也就宣告结束。随着这一委任书的递交,宣告了一个正式的历史性时刻的到来,从此中华人民共和国步入联合国这一国际舞台,庄严地行使所负的国际职责。这时,两旁响起热烈掌声,乔冠华脸上泛起会心的微笑。
Before attending the 26th UN General Assembly, Qiao Guanhua first paid a visit to U Thant, the UN Secretary-General who was hospitalized at the time, and presented a letter of appointment to the government. The ceremony was solemn. In the process, Wu Dan shook hands with Qiao Guanhua to greet him and expressed his congratulation and acquaintance. Qiao Guanhua handed a letter of appointment, and then sit down and talk a few words with Wu Dan, a brief ceremony also ended. With the submission of this letter of appointment, a formal and historic moment has been announced. From then on, the People’s Republic of China stepped into the international arena of the United Nations and solemnly exercised its international responsibilities. At this time, both sides of the ring applause, Qiao Guanhua face smiled.