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语文课外活动使课堂教学得到延伸,使语文学习做到课内与课外相结合。一、课外阅读活动语文教师要将语文课外阅读活动纳入教学计划,根据教学实际,制订课外阅读目标和计划,有计划、有步骤地进行语文课外阅读活动。把握课外读物的来源,课外读物的来源有三种:一是学校图书馆,二是班级图书库,三是自己订购的课外书籍。为了使课外读书活动落到实处,班级应成立文学小组,定期举办读书活动。在读书活动中,教师加强课外阅读的方法指导,如,举 Extracurricular activities of the Chinese language have led to the extension of classroom teaching so that language learning can be integrated with extracurricular activities. I. Extracurricular Reading Activities Teachers should incorporate Chinese extra-curricular reading activities into the teaching plan, formulate extra-curricular reading goals and plans according to the teaching practice, and conduct planned and step-by-step Chinese extracurricular reading activities. To grasp the source of extra-curricular reading materials, there are three sources of extra-curricular reading materials: one is the school library, the second is the class library, the third is extra-curricular books ordered by themselves. In order to carry out extracurricular reading activities, the class should set up a literary group to hold regular reading activities. In reading activities, teachers to strengthen the method of extra-curricular reading guidance, such as cite
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[摘 要] 智能手机终端的发展,新媒体的不断涌现,为高校思想政治理论课教学带来挑战和机遇。高校思想政治理论课教学手段亟待创新和丰富,传统的教学手段教学模式日益暴露出了它的弱点,也使得课堂教学负荷加重,以至于课堂教学本身的意义和价值得到了冲击。以微信公众平台在思想道德修养与法律基础课程中的实际应用为着眼点,开启高校思想政治理论课教学手段创新和丰富的一扇门。   [关 键 词] 微信;公众
2012年,脸书创始人马克·扎克伯格娶了在哈佛的同学华裔女友Priscilla Chan,成为清华经管学院顾问。媒体常把Priscilla跟嫁给默多克的邓文迪或者嫁进王室的凯特相提并论。但
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编者按:在电影《潜伏》的结尾,由孙红雷饰演的中共地下党员余则成随国民党高级军官从大陆撤退到台湾,继续执行潜伏任务。这一情节,是有一定的历史根据的。当年,就曾有1500名“余则成”式的红色特工,随国民党奔赴台湾,继续从事险象环生的地下情报工作。这些无名英雄的命运将会如何呢?  1949年,中国大陆1500名赴台“红色特工”牺牲过千,大多连名字都没留下来,直至2013年末北京西山无名英雄纪念广场的建成