A Task-based Unit Design of an ESP course based on the Needs Analysis for the Senior English Major

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The purpose of this paper is to design a unit for a task-based class based on a need analysis conducted on a particular group of L2 learners of English. It will begin by outlining the theoretical foundations to briefly introduce the concept of TBLT approach, followed by the literature on the design features of the TBLT syllabus. Then a presentation of the target population and the local context is provided as the needs analysis, with the attempts to generate a concrete target task and three subsequent pedagogic tasks, which will be described in detail in the section that follows. Finally, several reflections and the possible limitations of the task design will be concluded in the end. The purpose of this paper is to design a unit for a task-based class based on a need analysis conducted on a particular group of L2 learners of English. It will begin by outlining the theoretical foundations to brief introduce the concept of TBLT approach, followed by the literature on the design features of the TBLT syllabus. Then a presentation of the target population and the local context is provided as the analysis of needs, with the attempts to generate a concrete target task and three subsequent pedagogic tasks, which will be described in detail in the section that follows. Finally, several reflections and the possible limitations of the task design will be concluded in the end.
【中图分类号】G633 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)01-0130-02  当下,新一轮课程改革正以令人瞩目的迅猛之势在全国各地顺利推进,广大教师以此为契机,不断更新自己的教学理念,不断改革自己的教学实践。但笔者发现,有些老师对课改精神的理解有失偏颇,由此而对课堂教学带来了一些不利影响。在此试作分析,有望引起大家的关注。  一、新课程不需要老师讲了吗  最近,各种课