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中国航空工业集团公司董事长、党组书记林左鸣提出,要着力建设法治中航工业,推进依法治理、合规经营,强化法治理念、制度文化,用法治思维和法治方式推动企业发展市场经济是法治经济,市场在资源配置中发挥决定性作用,必然要求企业经营走上法治化轨道。为此,中国航空工业集团公司董事长、党组书记林左鸣提出要着力建设法治中航工业,推进依法治理,合规经营,强化法治理念、制度文化,用法治思维和法治方式推动企业发展,确保中航工业发展战略全面落实。推动航空武器装备建设的法治化进程林左鸣认为,建设法治中航工业首先要着力推动航空武器装备建设的法治化进程,具体要做好几项工作: Lin Zuoming, chairman and party secretary of China Aviation Industry Corporation, proposed that we should focus on building the rule of law in the aviation industry, promoting law-based governance and compliance management, strengthening the concept of the rule of law, institutional culture, promoting the development of enterprises through the rule of law and the rule of law, The market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, which inevitably requires that enterprises should embark on the track of the rule of law. To this end, China Aviation Industry Corporation chairman and party secretary Lin Zuoming proposed to focus on building the rule of law in the aviation industry, promote law-based management, compliance management, and strengthen the concept of the rule of law, institutional culture, with the rule of law and the rule of law to promote enterprise development to ensure that the Aviation Industry Development strategy is fully implemented. To promote the process of legalization of the construction of aviation weaponry and equipment Lin Zuo-ming believes that building a rule-of-law-oriented aviation industry should first focus on promoting the legalization of the construction of aviation weaponry and equipment. To do several specific tasks,
5.早期出厂的铁牛-55D起动转换开关电磁线圈为何通过发电机电枢搭铁? 答:起动转换开关电磁线圈通过发电机电枢搭铁(接在调节器“电枢”接柱上),是一种安全措施。发动机起动
大约在半个月前,我收养了四只刚诞生在世界上的小小蚕宝宝。蚕宝宝刚出生时是黑色的,像四颗发霉的米粒;身上的皮皱巴巴的,似乎很年迈了;头的后方 About half a month ago, I
此文介绍了JS-170型快硬锅炉密封耐火材料的研制过程及其在电站锅炉上的应用情况。 This article introduces the development process of JS-170 quick-hardening boiler sealing
无论什么样的孩子,身上总有闪光之处,我们要善于发现,借此点亮我们心中的爱和智慧之光,并把这种光芒再慷慨地洒向孩子,让他们的闪光点变成照亮人生的火焰。 No matter what