目前已有上千万妇女进入绝经期,在农村更有绝经10年以上未及时取环者,自去年我区开展为全区绝经期妇女免费取环,到今年8月底共有982例绝经期妇女取环,其中52例为绝经10年以上的妇女,本门诊采用术中宫颈局部麻醉,效果满意。本组取环者年龄55~78岁,平均61.2岁,绝经年限10~24年,平均13.8年,置器年数21~35年,平均23.2年。B 超提示:绝经后子宫萎缩,宫内节育器。52例均为第一代“O”型节育环。常规消毒外阴阴道后,于宫颈两侧(3点和9点钟处)注射2%利多卡因5ml+阿托品0.5 mg(无禁忌证)。52例宫内 IUD 嵌顿8例,剪断后取出,其余均顺利取出。52例均顺利扩宫到5.5~6.0号,其中8例轻度下腹痛,其余均
At present, tens of millions of women have entered the menopause period, and in rural areas there are more menopausal men who have not taken the ring more than 10 years in a timely manner. Since last year, there were 982 menopausal women by the end of August this year Take the ring, of which 52 cases of menopausal women for more than 10 years, the clinic with intraoperative cervical local anesthesia, the effect is satisfactory. The group of patients with ring age of 55 to 78 years, mean 61.2 years, menopausal years of 10 to 24 years, an average of 13.8 years, placement years 21 to 35 years, an average of 23.2 years. B-Tip: postmenopausal uterine atrophy, IUD. 52 cases were the first generation “O” type IUD. Routine disinfection of the vulva and vagina, on both sides of the cervix (3 o’clock and 9 o’clock) injection of 2% lidocaine 5ml + 0.5mg atropine (no contraindications). 52 cases of intrauterine IUD incarcerated in 8 cases, after shearing out, the rest were successfully removed. 52 cases were smooth expansion of the Palace to 5.5 to 6.0, of which 8 cases of mild abdominal pain, the rest were