
来源 :现代装饰(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hifithink
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随着经济的快速发展,我国的室内设计也迎来了巨大的发展机遇。在物质生活水平大大提高的今天,对于室内设计的要求我们开始追求“精益化”的发展,即使设计团队追求设计过程的最优化和更适合人居住的精益求精的设计风格。本文意在从精益化的思想和室内设计的精益化产品入手,理解现代室内设计中所追求的那一份精致生活。 With the rapid economic development, China’s interior design also ushered in tremendous opportunities for development. Today, with the improvement of material living standards, we are beginning to pursue the development of “Lean” for the requirements of interior design, even if the design team pursues the optimization of design process and the better design style that is more suitable for living. This article intends to start with lean thinking and lean products in interior design and understand the delicate life that modern interior design pursues.
在中国,像北京这样四季分明的地方有很多,春秋干燥,夏天多雨,冬天还有雪,但如果就此为爱车准备两套轮胎,又过于奢侈,难道就没有两全其美的轮胎吗?  邓禄普SP SPORT EURO A/S 08是一款真正意义上的全天候轮胎。非对称的花纹设计具有典型的夏季轮胎属性,而布满胎面的锯齿状细密纹,又显示出冬季轮胎的特征。在这京城入冬的季节,测试它最合适不过了。  如果不是我事先预习过邓禄普SP SPORTE