自从MP3格式的音乐逐渐成为承载音乐的主流载体后,与之相对应的MP3播放器便开始大行其道。一时间,各类厂商纷纷出击,推出各种产品来争夺市场。 万变不离其宗,时尚个性永远是克敌制胜的杀手锏。OK,下面介绍的东东希望能满足你挑剔的眼光,不过希望你在大咽口水的同时,还要看紧钱包里的银子哟!
Since the MP3 format music has gradually become the mainstream carrier of music, the corresponding MP3 players began to flourish. For a time, all kinds of manufacturers have attacked, introduced a variety of products to compete for the market. Varied, the fashion personality is always the killer 克 winning the enemy. OK, the stuff described below hope to meet your critical eyes, but I hope you swallow at the same time, but also depends on the money in the wallet yo!