本刊一九八○年第三期曾经报道过一位在大陆生活了三十多年的台湾省籍同胞,按照父亲的嘱托,在与台湾隔海相望的福建省找到了自己的祖籍.他就是蔡洪振.他是一九五一年回国,以后又来到东北滨海城市大连定居的,现是台湾民主自治同盟大连市支部的秘书长. 蔡洪振有一个美满的家庭,女儿蔡思台端庄美丽,去年春天结了婚;儿子克台聪明好学,考上了广州暨南大学;真是喜事一椿接着一椿.但是,更使蔡洪振兴奋、骄傲的还是他在大连市的同乡们所取得的成就.他告诉我,大连市的台胞现在有一百户,三百二十八人,其中职工一百二十六人.他们之中有全国政协委员一人,省人民代表和政协
In the third issue of 1980, Taiwan compatriots in Taiwan who had lived in mainland China for more than three decades reported that they had found their ancestral home in Fujian Province, which was located across the sea from Taiwan. He is Cai Hongzhen, who returned to China in 1951 and later settled in Dalian, a coastal city in the northeast. Now he is the Secretary General of the branch of Dalian Democratic Self-Government League in Dalian. Cai Hongzhen has a happy family and his daughter, Cai Sitai, is dignified and beautiful. Last year Married in spring; son Ketu clever studious, admitted to the Guangzhou Jinan University; is a happy event followed by a Chun. However, more excited and proud of Cai Hongzhen his fellow Dalian residents achievements .He told I, Dalian’s Taiwan compatriots now have one hundred, three hundred twenty-eight people, of whom 126 employees.Among them among the CPPCC National Committee members, provincial people’s representatives and the CPPCC