1941年11月3日,纳粹德国。在德国普罗辛根(Plochingen)一座叫做内卡豪森(Neckerhausen)的村庄,亨茨勒家族诞生了一个男婴。这便是日后成长为经济学家的赫伯特·亨茨勒(Herbert Henzler)。1941年的世界,无疑是一个极度动荡的世界。6月22日,苏德战争爆发,第二次世界大战进一步扩大。12月11日,纳粹德国对美宣战,太平洋战争爆发,“二战”达到最大之规模。幼年赫伯特·亨茨勒“当时无法理解德国正在发生什
Nazi Germany, November 3, 1941. In the village of Neckerhausen in Plochingen, Germany, a baby boy was born in the family of Huntsman. This is Herbert Henzler, who later grew up to be an economist. The world of 1941 is undoubtedly an extremely turbulent world. June 22, Sudan war broke out, the Second World War to further expand. On December 11, Nazi Germany declared war on the United States, the outbreak of the Pacific War, and ”World War II“ reached the maximum scale. Herbert Hughes, a young boy, ”was unable to understand what was happening in Germany