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进入火热的七月,市场扩容速度骤然加快。自7月6日开始至本周,证监会发审委在两个星期的时间里安排了8场发审会,共有24家企业上会接受审核,其中9家企业提出首发申请,另外15家企业提出再融资申请。24家企业中共有14家企业顺利通过了发审委审核,其中5家企业通过首发审核(过会率55.56%),9家企业通过再融资审核(过会率60%),此外还有一家企业(宏润建设的新股首发)暂缓表决。 Into the hot July, the market expansion speed suddenly accelerated. Since July 6 this week until this week, the Commission issuance examination committee in two weeks time arranged for eight hair divisions, a total of 24 companies will be audited, of which nine companies made the initial application, the other 15 Enterprises proposed refinancing. A total of 14 companies in a total of 14 companies passed the issuance examination committee audit, of which five companies through the initial audit (55.56% rate of meeting), nine companies through the refinancing audit (over 60% rate), in addition to a Enterprises (Hongrun Construction IPO) suspended the vote.
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