槟榔树Areca catechu属棕榈科高大乔木,高10~18米, 不分枝,叶落后形成明显的环纹。叶顶端丛生,羽状复叶,小叶披针状线形或线形; 花序着生于最下一叶的叶基部、长倒卵形; 花单性,雌雄同株; 坚果卵圆形或长卵圆形。每年开花两次,花期3~8月,冬花不结果;果期12月至翌年2月。分布于海南、广西、云南、福建、广东、台湾等地。
Areca catechu Areca palm tall trees, 10 to 18 meters high, unbranched, leaf backward formation of obvious ring. Leaves apically tufted, pinnately compound, leaflets lanceolate linear or linear; inflorescences born at leaf base of lowermost leaf, long obovate; flowers unisexual, monoecious; ovoid or oblong-ovoid. Flowering twice a year, flowering 3 to August, winter flowers do not result; fruit from December to February the following year. Distributed in Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and other places.