本文系作者根据其办理国际商事案的笔记整理撰写,主要涉及《销售公约》的适用、公约与内国法的互动、国际法优先、原《涉外经济合同法》第6条规定的缺陷及其对中国仲裁员的但他们却往往没有意识到的负面影响;作者还希图让同行注意澳大利亚学者Marcus S Jacobs在其专门为中国同行撰写的文章中对《销售公约》适用的见解。
This article is based on the author’s handling of the international commercial case notes finishing, mainly related to the “Sales Convention”, the Convention and the interaction of internal law, international law priority, the original “Foreign Economic Contract Law,” the provisions of Article 6 of the defects and its China The arbitrators, however, are often unaware of the negative effects; the author also hopes to draw the attention of his fellow Australian scholar Marcus S Jacobs to his application of the CISG in his article dedicated exclusively to Chinese colleagues.