In order to study the fatigue behavior of asphalt mixture under repeated loading and to describe the interaction between fatigue and creep damage effects, considering the dynamic properties of asphalt mixture, based on the basic theory of viscoelastic damage mechanics and based on the strain equivalent assumption, The complex variable defines the damage variable. By analyzing the change law of asphalt mixture damage under cyclic loading and using the theory of fatigue-creep coupling damage, the damage evolution equation under fatigue-creep damage effect is established, and the damage model that reflects the influence of temperature and stress is proposed And fatigue life prediction model, and analyzed the damage model. The results show that the damage model meets the thermodynamic criteria and physical conditions. The fatigue failure of asphalt mixture is caused by the fatigue-creep damage effect. By using the proposed fatigue model, the fatigue model can be better predicted under different temperature and stress conditions Asphalt mixture fatigue life