本文对88例分别用托吡卡胺和阿托品眼膏散瞳对比,报告如下。 1.资料与方法 88例屈光不正,共176只眼,男30例,女55例。年龄3~13岁。 方法:先用托吡卡胺(无锡六药)10分钟滴眼一次,连续三次,一小时后检影验光。再用1/100阿托品眼膏点眼,一日三次,连续三天,再次验光,两次由一人操作。 2.结果 散瞳视网膜检影球镜或柱镜度数两者相差≤0.5DS,散光轴向≤5°为符合。 29只近视眼镜度数符合率为100%。相同的11只,≤0.5的15只,≤1.0的3只。柱镜度数符合率为89.66%,相同的4只,≤0.50的6只。 142只远视眼球镜符合率为60.55%,相同21只,≤0.5的65只,≤1.0的40只,≥1.0的16只。
In this paper, 88 patients were treated with tropicamide and atropine eyeglasses mydriasis contrast, the report is as follows. 1. Materials and Methods 88 cases of refractive errors, a total of 176 eyes, 30 males and 55 females. Age 3 to 13 years old. Methods: first tropicamide (Wuxi six drugs) eye drops 10 minutes, three times in a row, an hour after retinoscopy. And then 1/100 atropine eye ointment, three times a day for three consecutive days, once again optometry, two operations by one person. 2. Results Dyspnea retinoscopy spherical or cylindrical degree of difference between the two is less than or equal to 0.5DS, axial astigmatism ≤ 5 ° is consistent. 29 glasses match the rate of 100%. The same 11, ≤ 0.5 of 15, ≤ 1.0 of 3. The coincidence rate of the cylinder was 89.66%, the same 4, ≤0.50 of 6. The coincidence rate of 142 hyperopic eyes was 60.55%, the same 21, 65 ≤ 0.5, 40 ≤ 1.0 and 16 ≥ 1.0.