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工资薪金是企业成本的重要组成部分,也是企业所得税税前扣除的重要项目。准确界定其税前扣除的范围和内容,并采取措施强化管理,对实施新的企业所得税税制,确保国家财政收入,维护企业自身经济利益具有重要意义。 Wages and salaries are an important part of corporate costs and also an important part of corporate income tax deductions. Accurately define the scope and content of its pre-tax deduction, and take measures to strengthen management, the implementation of the new corporate income tax system to ensure that the state revenue, safeguarding the economic interests of their own enterprises of great significance.
中国的抗日战争堪称世界战例中的经典,敬爱的毛主席为人民武装斗争指明了一条阳光大道,换来了我们今天的幸福生活。这其中。游击战法发挥着不可磨灭的作用,在敌后根据地的游击战争便是真实写照。  那么在今天的高科技数字战争(CS)中,这一战法也发挥着它至关重要的作用,具体当然就表现在ECO(Economc round,又mSave round,是一种由于经济不支而不得不采用的过渡性被动策略。)中,这时的cT