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Geology and pedo-stratigraphy of the Ciliverghe hill(glacial deposits,pedogenesis,and loess sedi-mentation along the Alpine fringe during the Pleistocene).-Ciliverghe hill consists of Pleistocene continentaldeposits.The lowest units(CIL 1 and CIL 2).composed of till and related fluvioglacial deposits.representthe oldest moraine ridge of the Garda lake moraine system.These units are covered with angular unconfor-mity,by glacio-lacustrine marls(CIL 3),by fluviatile gravels supplied from a local source(CIL 4)and by flu-vio-glacial gravels(CIL 5)including Central-Alpine rocks.In the upper unit a rubefied,strongly weatheredpalaeosol is developed.At the top of the sequence there is a polygenetic cover of loess consisting of at leastthree distinct layers intercalated with pedogenetic horizons.The uppermost loess which includes mouste-rian artifacts dates back to the Late Pleistocene,Five glacial stages are therefore recorded in the Ciliverghesequence,probably spanning the whole glacial Pleistocene.The stratigraphical and morphological develop-ment of the Ciliverghc hill has been tectonicallv controlled due to the activity of buried tectonic structures. Geology and pedo-stratigraphy of the Ciliverghe hill (glacial deposits, pedogenesis, and loess sedi-mentation along the Alpine fringe during the Pleistocene) .- Ciliverghe hill consists of Pleistocene continental deposits. The lowest units (CIL 1 and CIL 2) .composed of till and related to fluvioglacial deposits .representated to the oldest moraine ridge of the Garda lake moraine system.These units are covered with angular unconfor-mity, by glacio-lacustrine marls (CIL 3), by fluviatile gravels supplied from a local source (CIL 4) and by flu-vio-glacial gravels (CIL 5) including Central-Alpine rocks.In the upper unit a rubefied, strongly weathered palaeosol is developed. At the top of the sequence there is a polygenetic cover of loess consisting of at least three distinct layers intercalated with pedogenetic horizons.The uppermost loess which includes mouste-rian artifacts dates back to the Late Pleistocene, Five glacial stages were therefore recorded in the Ciliverghesequence, probably spanning the whole glacial Pleist ocene.The stratigraphical and morphological develop-ment of the Ciliverghc hill has been tectonicallv controlled due to the activity of buried tectonic structures.
心理学家指出:“与一个人结婚,就意味着与这个人从孩提时代带来的一切结合。”了解配偶的过去,才能更好地适应他/她在某一情况下的反应。这一点,对于再婚的老人来说更有其实际意义。再婚老人的经历不同,生活圈各异,习惯、性格和爱好早已定型,可塑性差,婚后的适应性也差。因此,他们更应该通过婚前恋爱加深了解。  然而,现实存在的问题是:大多数再婚老人双方认识时间很短,一经介绍,仓促成婚,缺乏感情基础,有的甚至认
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