快乐是一种心绪,是情感上的愉悦;快乐是一种体验,是发自内心的快活。快乐是一只吉祥的鸟儿,能在心灵的枝头唱出婉转优美的歌;快乐是一支悠扬的乐曲,会在心田深处舒缓地淌过。 快乐属于创造,奋斗的过程便是一支歌;快乐属于奉献,无私付出的回报是赞誉和理解。快乐在于拼搏,胜利成果带来的必然是由衷的喜悦;快乐在于执着,全身心投入挟来的必定是丰厚的收获。 追求事业成功,是最佳的精神寄托;做生活的强者,才能战胜磨难与挫折。快乐与勇敢者相随,搏击中蕴含着喜悦的内核;快乐与勤奋者相伴,耕耘里汗水都闪耀着快乐的光泽。 患得患失者,没有快乐;花天酒地者,那是堕落;营私舞弊者,担惊受怕地度日;苟且
Happiness is a kind of mood, emotional pleasure; happiness is an experience, is from the heart of the merry. Happiness is an auspicious bird who can sing a beautiful and graceful song on the branches of the soul. Happiness is a melodious song that soothingly drifts deep in the heart. Happiness belongs to the process of creating and struggling. It is a song. Happiness belongs to dedication and selfless return is praise and understanding. Happiness lies in hard work, and the achievement of victory must inevitably be a heartfelt joy; happiness lies in perseverance and wholehearted commitment must be a great harvest. The pursuit of success, is the best spiritual sustenance; to do the strong life, to overcome tribulations and setbacks. Happy and brave people go hand in hand contains the joy of the kernel; accompanied by happiness and hard work, sweat in the work of all shine with a happy luster. Suffering from the victims, there is no happiness; those who spend so much alcohol, it is degenerate; malfeasance, with fear in the sun; Gou and