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体育赞助是一种有效的市场沟通工具,作为能直接到达消费者和影响消费者购买的市场工具,在全世界范围内被广泛运用。[1]1999年,北美的企业的赞助费用为76亿美元,其中67%是由于体育赞助。[2]对体育赞助的效果研究是一个新型的课题。本文利用文献综述法,收集了十多篇英文资料,试图以这些资料为基础对学者们就体育赞助效果这一问题的研究做一个综述。影响体育赞助效果的因素很多,文中着重介绍了从消费者、赞助商和赞助活动本身三个方面分析了对体育赞助效果的影响。 Sports sponsorship is an effective market communication tool that is widely used worldwide as a market instrument that reaches consumers directly and affects consumers’ purchases. [1] In North America, sponsorship costs were $ 7.6 billion in 1999, of which 67% were due to sports sponsorship. [2] The study of the effect of sports sponsorship is a new topic. In this paper, we use the literature review method to collect more than a dozen English materials and try to give an overview of the scholars’ research on the issue of sports sponsorship based on these data. There are many factors that affect the effect of sports sponsorship. The article mainly analyzes the impact on sports sponsorship from three aspects: consumers, sponsors and sponsorship activities.
基于《中国园林》1985-2014年间发表的学术论文,采用文献计量学与信息可视化软件Cite Space相结合的方法,从载文量、核心作者团体、基金论文、研究方向等知识单元划分,以融入
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