
来源 :海洋湖沼通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyingbo1988
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针对2013年11月22日青岛黄维输油管道泄漏爆炸事故中造成的胶州湾海面溢油,利用GF-1卫星数据对2013年11月26日胶州湾海面溢油特征进行了提取与分析。结果表明,蓝色波段(0.45~0.52μm)与绿色波段(0.52~0.59μm)油水反差明显,尤其绿色波段油膜特征提取效果较好;反射红外波段(0.77~0.89μm)可用作辅助掩膜;红色波段(0.63~0.69μm)没有区分度;基于绿色波段数据,采取频域方法初步处理,并结合以反射红外波段作出的海区掩膜便可以有效提取海面油膜信息。因此,GF-1卫星数据可对近岸海域、小范围海洋溢油实现有效监测。 In view of the oil spill on the sea of ​​Jiaozhou Bay caused by the leakage explosion accident of Huangwei oil pipeline on November 22, 2013 in Qingdao, the characteristics of oil spill on the sea surface of Jiaozhou Bay on November 26, 2013 were extracted and analyzed using GF-1 satellite data. The results show that the contrast between the blue (0.45-0.52μm) and the green (0.52-0.59μm) oil-water contrast is significant, especially the green-band oil film feature extraction is better. Reflected infrared (0.77-0.89μm) The red band (0.63 ~ 0.69μm) has no distinguishing degree. Based on the green band data, the preliminary processing in the frequency domain method is taken, and the sea surface oil film information can be effectively extracted in combination with the sea mask made by reflecting the infrared band. Therefore, GF-1 satellite data can effectively monitor small-scale ocean oil spills in coastal waters and small seas.